Kaiba is the gender flipped Alpha Brat as he is continuously antagonistic towards Joey. Alone with the Psycho: Joey ‘willingly’ went along with Sofen to keep his family safe and as soon as he realized she was going to kill them all, he dropped the act. Alternate Universe Ambiguously Human: Joey. How Rainbow Dash disposes of Starscream’s Spark. How Battle Cat disposes of Lion O’s corpse. Blastoise eats Venusaur’s flower after killing Charizard. Loric was driven out of his kingdom, and he plans to take it back. By hiring mercenaries and orc raiders, and enslaving people who he forces to work unearthing the lost treasure of Slag’s hoard. What Beautiful Eyes!: The very first thing Tyrna notices about Gavin is that he has “the most beautiful violet eyes [she’s] ever seen.” You No Take Candle: The typical orc mode of speech, the better to illustrate their lack of intelligence..
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