Fake Band: The final four of season one act as one of these for the “Sing” video. Fascinating Eyebrow: Damian’s eyebrows move a lot when he sings or speaks, which is commented on and parodied by Zach. He also frequently gives one on his shot on the title card. It’s okay. It’s not all guys, just Jack. Everybody Knew Already: Torchwood, secret agency that everyone knows about. Beware the Nice Ones: Quasimodo is a nice guy, but he can get dangerous. He throws several things at the people trying to kill Esmeralda, and throws Frollo to his death when he gets fed up with his master’s attitude. Big “NO!”: Quasimodo gets two of these, both involving Frollo assaulting Esmeralda. Head Butt Of Love: Ripcord bumps his suit helmet on Scarlett’s motorcycle helmet after his Diving Save. Heel Face Turn: Specifically, a High Heel Face Turn. Healing Factor: A light version is used by the Cobra Elites.
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