December 29, 2010

Take a dry erase marker

Take a dry erase marker and mark the front and back of the card on top of the rib. Take the double sided tape and attach []
December 26, 2010

I didn’t grow up around firearms; in fact

I didn’t grow up around firearms; in fact the closest I’ve ever been to a rifle was staring as Annie Oakley in my high school musical []
December 1, 2010

I’d challenge my forwards to be meeting

I’d challenge my forwards to be meeting the Dubs on the 45 and by meeting them I mean making physical contact. Engage with them, knock them []
September 12, 2010

was something gruesomely comic

When the war broke out there was something gruesomely comic in the proclamations of emperors Louis Vuitton Handbags and archdukes appealing to that invincible soul of []