March 2, 2014

Humble Goal: All Jesse and Chester want is to find their car

worrying for the wrong reason Designer Replica Handbags All Just a Dream: Some of the Eizou Hakusho shorts. And I Must Scream: Kurama’s Cool and Unusual []
March 1, 2014

Ambiguous Gender: Except for the Viera

Retcon: Word of God is that some characters’ ages have been tweaked from their Namir Deiter incarnations to fit the current narrative. Adrian and Derek are []
February 26, 2014

Even after her mother’s extremely weird death

Surreal Humor: Garry’s Mod is frequently used as a medium for this. Google “RubberFruit”, for instance. Elevator: Source derives half of it’s humor from the fact []
February 26, 2014

They have been fixed since 1

At the end, when he reveals that he was merely using Ajay and betrayed him to Yuma, he says that every patriot he knows is a []