July 21, 2015

spring turkey season begins

I could’ve meditated just once a week and probably been perfectly fine. What a waste. I lived 80 years, and frankly, I blew it. Trenton rallied []
July 12, 2015

He was a coach’s dream

He was a coach’s dream. He was an amazing guy as well as a player and a person. This is hard to believe.” Seau’s ex wife []
July 12, 2015

You have to be always cautious about public reaction

“You have to be always cautious about public reaction, because the reaction the public is having is the same I had when I saw it (the []
June 19, 2015

Uniform memorials aren’t unique to baseball

Uniform memorials aren’t unique to baseball, of course appear in all the major sports. In the NFL, for example, the Vikings wore a “77” chest patch []