January 7, 2013

Obviously they been on a bit of a slide the last couple of

As we drank beer and watched the dancers, I sampled a cup of the house potato soup ($4.25, or free with an entr It was as []
January 7, 2013

I mean, Frieza powering up must have taken longer than that,

Deconstruction: Of many JRPG tropes. Driven to Suicide: A frequently used trope. The most important suicide is by Lisa herself, after the abuse by Marty in []
January 6, 2013

Impossible Task: Some of the secret missions can look like this

Humans Are Warriors: The Federation of Sol gets more ground troops and command counters for them. Impossible Task: Some of the secret missions can look like []
January 5, 2013

neither of these skills are frequent or useful enough to

In The Road to Mars, some space colonies were founded by people who agreed to be indentured to the company that funded their transport to the []