April 27, 2011

He going to be Brandon

He going to be Brandon. Is already determined to build chemistry with Julius Randle, Jordan Clarkson and fellow No. 2 pick D Russell, the Lakers point []
December 29, 2010

Take a dry erase marker

Take a dry erase marker and mark the front and back of the card on top of the rib. Take the double sided tape and attach []
December 26, 2010

I didn’t grow up around firearms; in fact

I didn’t grow up around firearms; in fact the closest I’ve ever been to a rifle was staring as Annie Oakley in my high school musical []
December 1, 2010

I’d challenge my forwards to be meeting

I’d challenge my forwards to be meeting the Dubs on the 45 and by meeting them I mean making physical contact. Engage with them, knock them []