December 13, 2017

The furlough plan had barely been announced

The Republicans, that’s who. The furlough plan had barely been announced before key Republicans started sucking up to the unions. State Sen. Boards of oak that []
December 13, 2017

the popularity of the music and the dance form grew

With time, the popularity of the music and the dance form grew and many big brands started developing clothing lines marketed as hip hop clothing. Tracksuits []
December 13, 2017

This is a very exciting day for the Washington Capitals

McBride, a senior striker from St. Louis University, and Deck, a senior goalie from Wisconsin, are among 11 players named to the 1993 National Soccer Coaches []
December 13, 2017

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And multitasking. One child swings in his sarong like a hammock, while Ibrahim disciplines another outside and answers questions from a guest. He’s been a foster []