July 14, 2017

A 1 year old girl fell

HAMDEN, CT (WFSB) A 1 year old girl fell out of a two story window in Hamden on Wednesday night and two people including her mother []
July 14, 2017

Part of the reason Jerseys

Part of the reason Jerseys work better for us now is the way milk is priced. Dairy herd was Jersey, 16 percent was Guernsey, and 40 []
July 14, 2017

They have passion

They have passion, you see it in their eyes. It just something that bubbles up. Passion to me is the number one thing.. The mayor’s office []
July 14, 2017

The worst I seen is a few

The worst I seen is a few loose stitches or a letter starting to peel. But those defects can be found in some authentic kits as []