Welcome Back, Frank (2000 2001) A limited series storyline which returns the Punisher back into the “regular vigilante who just shoots criminals” mold, written by Garth Ennis. Born (2003) A four issue mini series that details Frank’s third and final tour of duty in Vietnam, which was later became the starting point for the MAX series. Also written by Garth Ennis. So it would be best to judge them more by content and plot. If the material’s universal but the outfits are dated to the minute, that’s Fashion Dissonance. Compare Anachronism Stew, which is one possible way to avert/subvert this.. Genre Shift: While the central story remains a thriller centered around two stage magicians with a bitter rivalry, the setting starts out as a Victorian Period Piece until we see Nikola Tesla’s cloning machine, and it becomes Steampunk science fiction. Go Seduce My Archnemesis: Angier to Olivia. One of the first obvious signs that the two are willing to go to extreme lengths to try and defeat each other.
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